ACK Diocese Of Kirinyaga
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Rev. Benson Munene Githinji
Rev. Benson Munene Githinji

The main task of the Department is to mobilize resources for the Diocese from Parishes. This is done through quota payments and other subscriptions.


The Department is run by a Committee which is composed of all Archdeacons from our Seven Archdeaconries, the Administrative Secretary, the Diocesan Accountant, two lay persons who are members of the Standing Committee of Synod, the Lay Secretary of the Standing Committee of Synod, the director who is an appointee of the bishop and the chairman who is elected by the Standing Committee of the synod. The day today activities of the department are run by the Director.


The Department meets at least four times a year as per the diocesan policy.


The department has been able to achieve quit a lot this far. Some of the achievements so far includes: Clearing of Parish arrears that had accumulated over time, timely payment of quota and other subscriptions by almost all the parishes. Additionally, all Parishes have been doing very well in terms of quota payment in that  by the end of June every year all the parishes are able to clear their quotas. The Department is able to mobilize resources for the Diocesan projects and particularly the Kerugoya Cathedral House.


14/01/2025 STEWARDSHIP Mutira Archdeaconry Stewardship Seminar Mutira
15/01/2025 STEWARDSHIP Kabare Archdeaconry Stewardship Seminar Kianyaga
21/01/2025 STEWARDSHIP Cathedral Archdeaconry Stewardship Seminar Cathedral
22/01/2025 STEWARDSHIP Ngiriambu Archdeaconry Stewardship Seminar Ngiriambu
23/01/2025 STEWARDSHIP Thiba Archdeaconry Stewardship Seminar Thiba
24/01/2025 STEWARDSHIP Wang’uru Archdeaconry Stewardship Seminar Wang’uru
28/01/2025 STEWARDSHIP Kiandangae Archdeaconry Stewardship Seminar Baricho
19/02/2025 STEWARDSHIP 1st Stewardship Committee Meeting Kutus
22&23/04/2025 Synod St Thomas Kerugoya 4,500 PER PERSON CLERGY AND TWO LAY PEOPLE TO ATTEND
05/06/2025 STEWARDSHIP Stewardship Executive Committee Kutus
01/07/2025 STEWARDSHIP H.O. Ds Meeting On Parish Evaluation Briefing Kutus
04/07/2025 STEWARDSHIP Stewardship Committee Meeting Kutus
8-10/07/2025 STEWARDSHIP Parish Evaluation By H.O. Ds All Parishes
11/07/2025 STEWARDSHIP Data Analysis By H.O. Ds Kutus
17/07/2025 STEWARDSHIP Departmental Evaluation By Task Force Kutus
24/07/2025 STEWARDSHIP Stewardship Task Force Kutus
01/08/2025 STEWARDSHIP Diocesan Award Day Cathedral OFFERTORY
Future Plan 
The future plan of the department is to have a self-sustaining Diocese whereby the Diocese through its business and investment arm will be able to supplement the income gotten from the parish. Additionally, the department through its regular capacity building programmes envisions a time when Parishes will be paying quota using the proceeds gotten from rents and other forms of investments or supplement the income gotten from the Christians.
 To remain afloat, this Department intends to do the following:
  1. Ensure that the Diocesan policy of paying all Diocesan subscriptions by the end of June is adhered to by all Parishes
  2. The Department will be conductions regular stewardship and financial management seminars within the seven archdeaconries between the month of February and May every year.
  1. The department will also be conducting capacity seminars within the Deaneries and Parishes and especially to parishes that are not performing very well in terms of payments.
  2. The department will be working closely with the accounts office to monitor performance of various Parishes.

  1. The Department plans to work closely will all the Archdeacons so as to help in ensuring all Parishes are working towards the realization of the objective and that no single parish is left behind in terms of payments and complying with the diocesan policy.

  2. As a way of motivating Parishes, the department plans to have an awarding day in the month  July every year to award the best performing, Department, Archdeanry, Deanery and Parishes based on quota payments along with other parameters.

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