ACK Diocese Of Kirinyaga
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Hospital And Chaplaincy

The Ack Diocese of Kirinyaga has been faced in a situation in which a special group of her members are not served or are rarely served by the pastoral teams. This area includes the sick in hospitals, Health Centers, Dispensaries, Clinics and Rehabilitation centers. Most of these facilities have been left to other denominations. This situation prompted the diocese to develop the Health and Hospital Chaplaincy department that would help the said institutions within the diocese.

[a] Biblical Mandate.
The fundamental objective of the Health and Hospital Chaplaincy department is based in the foundation of the  biblical verses that support to contribute to the holistic mission of the church. Matthew 25; 31-36 supports the idea of chaplaincy especially verse 36 b where Jesus said, ” I was  sick and you cared for me”.
Christ’s intension was to serve the whole person physically, Spiritually, intellectually and socially.  This is further echoed by  John 10;10, which says,

I  have come in orderthat they may have life and have it abundantly

[b] Committees.                                                                                                                        
Since the year 2018 all parishes in the diocese were requested to formulate and constitute Health and Hospital Chaplaincy committees from congregations to all other levels. These committees are mandated to serve as chaplaincy team within their jurisdictions. The main objectives of these committees is to reach the sick in the hospital and at home as well us the staff in the health facilities within their locality in the community and offer prayers for  them. Thus this is the fulfillment of the words of Jesus” I was sick and you cared for me”.
The other objective of the chaplaincy team is to promote the primary health care education. They should sensitize their congregations on the best practices which includes; good nutrition, environmental hygiene, personal and home hygiene, healthy parenting, vulnerable groups, poor and the aged.
They should also create awareness to the Christians on reducing and managing the life style diseases mostly the hypertension, diabetes and cancer.
It is also their duty to report to the relevant authorities of any dangerous  outbreak that may invade the  society around them.
In liaison with the church administration the committee members would offer counselling and encourage the sick and the  bereaved families in the society around them.
[I] Clinical Health
 In the effort to curb the hypertension conditions and its complications, the department have purchased 150 blood pressure testing machines  to sell to the congregations and individuals. This was because  the department learnt that many people visit the health facilities for BP check up only when they are very sick. Thus the department recommended that every congregation in the diocese should have a blood testing monitor so that many Christians may access a checkup. A short course to the congregations  on how to do  the testing was conducted by a medical practitioner. Thus many parishes have currently started the BP testing programmers in their congregations. The diocesan office have also  received one gadget from the department  to help the staff members know their BP status.  One staff member has been trained on how to use the gadget.
Those Christians  with diabetes cases  have been helped to access the glucometer machines.
[II] Department Uniform.
 The department has designed a uniform to be worn by members when they are  offering services and during other chaplaincy functions.
We held the first diocesan executive health and hospital Chaplaincy meeting on 20th January 2020 at Kutus.         The diocesan coordinator  organized the first meeting of the parish health committee officials on 18th Feb.2020 at Kutus. The members received the year  programme of activities. In the  same meeting  members went through a short  course on how to use  the  BP machine.
[IV] Hospital Pastoral  visits                                                                                                                                                             
The coordinator who is also the  Hospital Chaplain of  Kerugoya General Hospital has been able to offer pastoral care to the out patients and inpatients, staff and the bereaved families who go  to the  mortuary  to collect the bodies  of their beloved ones.  All the other facilities are visited by the parish priests and Health committee members  of the parishes where those facilities are located.
Future Plan
[a] Training
The department wish to start a basic clinical program which would include;
[I] Basic principles of counseling
[II] Psychology of the sick.
[III] Basic principles of pastoral program.
[IV] Basic principles of health and wellness.
[b] Accessibility of Glucometer  Machines
      The department have resolved to help the Christians in all the congregations in future to access to Glucometer machines in an intention to reduce diabetes and its complications
[c]  Medical camp.
      The department have proposed to hold a free medical in the near future.

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